1 | Elul Dian Agustin | A1C014022 | 19 | Ap2019 | A | Y | N | Development of Student Worksheets Based on Guided Findings on Prisma and Limas Materials for Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 12 Bengkulu City |
2 | MELDA DWI NOVITA | A1C014025 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | N | Development of Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education-Based Learning Videos (PMRI) on Triangle Material for Grade VII Students of SMPN 1 Bengkulu City |
3 | CAHAYAU GAFAR HAPID | A1C014036 | 19 | Ags2019 | A- | Y | N | Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Problems in Algebraic Calculation Operation Material Class VII SMP Negeri 17 Bengkulu City |
4 | Nofri Dwi Jatra | A1C014059 | 19 | Ap2019 | A- | Y | N | Application of the Active Learning Start With A Question Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade VII Students at SMP Negeri 6 Bengkulu City |
5 | Berto Dwi Saputra | A1C014061 | 19 | Ap2019 | A- | Y | N | Application of Team Assisted Individualization Type Cooperative Learning to Improve Activities and Learning Outcomes of Mathematics Class X Science at SMA N 1 Bengkulu City |
6 | Febri Restu Winoto | A1C014063 | 19 | Ap2019 | A | Y | N | Development of teaching materials in the form of interactive doujinshi comics on the material of using scales on plans in daily life for grade V students of SDN 01 Bengkulu City |
7 | ROBEAN NANGUNTAN | A1C014064 | 19 | Ags2019 | A- | Y | N | Application of Inquiry Learning Model With Scientific Approach to Improve Mathematics Learning Activities and Outcomes of Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 11 Bengkulu City |
8 | PENI APRIYANTI | A1C015001 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Comparison of Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes Between STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model and TAI in Class VIII SMP Negeri 6 Bengkulu City |
9 | INDAH TRI UTAMI | A1C015002 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Differences in Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes Between the Discovery Learning Learning Model and the Guided Inquiry Learning Model at SMP Negeri 6 Bengkulu City |
10 | ATIKAH NADIYAH | A1C015003 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Application of the Numbered Head Together Learning Model with the Help of Environmental-Based Teaching Aids to Improve Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 15 Bengkulu City |
11 | ECI SANNICK DELISTEN | A1C015005 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Application of The Problem Posing Learning Model Type Post Solution Posing To Improve Activities and Learning Outcomes of Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 8 Bengkulu City |
12 | HENDRI SASTRIO | A1C015006 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Questions on the Subject of Building a Prism Room in Class VIII of SMP Negeri 6 Bengkulu City |
13 | WINDA ANGGRENI | A1C015007 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Application of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 06 Bengkulu City |
14 | ADITRA DWI NARTA | A1C015008 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Development of Student Worksheets Using Problem Based Learning Models in Class VII Social Arithmetic Material at SMP Negeri 06 Bengkulu City |
15 | PURNIASARI | A1C015009 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Development of Student Worksheets (LKPD) Based on Guided Findings on Flat Side Room Building Material Class VIII SMPN 20 Bengkulu City |
16 | HELVITA FRASSELIA CHAROLINA | A1C015010 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | The Influence of the Guided Inquiry Model on Students' Critical Thinking Ability in Class VIII of SMP Negeri 7 Bengkulu City |
17 | HUDZAIFA FITRI HANDHOLIZA | A1C015011 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Efforts to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes by Applying a Think Talk Write Type Cooperative Learning Model to Class VIII 2 Students of SMP Negeri 8 Bengkulu City |
18 | ADIS MUNANDAR | A1C015012 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Comparison of Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes Between Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model and STAD at SMP Negeri 18 Bengkulu City |
19 | EVITA SRI YULANI | A1C015014 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Application of the Think Pair Share Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade VII 2 Students of SMP Negeri 8 Bengkulu City |
20 | YUDIKA AGUSTIAN | A1C015015 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Mathematics Problems Subject matter of Composition Function Class X SMA Negeri 7 Bengkulu City |
21 | RAFIKA ZELIA NENGSI | A1C015016 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Efforts to Improve Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes through Survey, Question, Read, Recite, And Review Learning Models with a Scientific Approach in Class VIII 1 SMP Negeri 8 Bengkulu City |
22 | LATIFA NURLIYAN HIDAYATI | A1C015018 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Comparison of Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes Between TAI Type Cooperative Learning Model (Team Assisted Individualization) and Scientific Learning to Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 11 Bengkulu City |
23 | SHELA MONICA | A1C015019 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Education Approach on Students' Problem Solving Ability |
24 | RAHMA ROZA HUTARI | A1C015020 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Education Approach on the Ability to Understand the Concept of Flat Side Room Building Material in MTs Negeri 1 Bengkulu City Students |
25 | BERTA PANDUWINATA | A1C015021 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | The Influence of Discovery Learning Model with SAVI Approach (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual) on the Activities and Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 10 Bengkulu City |
26 | RAHMAT PUTERA EZALIAN | A1C015022 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Comparison of Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes Between STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model and TGT at SMP Negeri 14 Bengkulu City |
27 | AISYAH DIANTI | A1C015023 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Application of Generative Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 11 Kota Bengkulu |
28 | WINDA SAFITRI | A1C015024 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Development of Student Worksheets Using an Integrated Discovery Learning Model of Islamic Values on Circle Material in Class VIII SMP Negeri 12 Bengkulu City |
29 | SITI ROHANA | A1C015025 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students at SMP Negeri 14 Bengkulu City |
30 | ANGELA JANE ITO NAIBAHO | A1C015027 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | The Effect of Discovery Learning Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Class VII Mathematics Learning at SMP Negeri 12 Bengkulu City |
31 | IRMA YULISA | A1C015028 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | The Effect of the Exsamples Non-Exsamples Learning Model on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 11 Bengkulu City |
32 | RAUDYA TUZZAHRA | A1C015029 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Development of LKPD Mathematics with Project Based Learning Model on Material to Build Flat Side Room Class VIII at SMP Negeri 14 Bengkulu City |
33 | AGUNG WIBOWO | A1C015030 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Comparison of Students' Mathematics Learning Outcomes Using a Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach with a Scientific Approach at SMP Negeri 14 Bengkulu City |
34 | LINDASWATI | A1C015031 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Application of Guided Inkuri Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 12 Bengkulu City |
35 | KARLYA DWI UPIKA LESTARI | A1C015033 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Application of a Make A Match Type Cooperative Learning Model Assisted by Image Media to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Quadrilateral and Triangular Material at SMPN 15 Bengkulu City |
36 | GEZA DWI PUTRI | A1C015034 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Efforts to Improve Students' Mathematics Learning Outcomes by Applying the Class VIII 5E Cycle Learning Model at SMP Negeri 02 Bengkulu City |
37 | MELISA ANTASARI | A1C015035 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Application of Realistic Mathetamtics Education (RME) Approach to Improve Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Class VIII Flat-Sided Room Building Material at SMP Negeri 15 Bengkulu City |
38 | NOVRYAN ALAMSYAH | A1C015036 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | LKPD Development Using a PMRI Approach Based on Character Education on Triangular and Quadrilateral Material in Class VII SMP Negeri 15 Bengkulu City |
39 | MADE AGUNG PERMANA | A1C015037 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Development of Student Worksheets with the Problem Solving Method on Class XI Circle Equation Material mipa SMAN 5 Bengkulu City |
40 | KEKE BERLINDA | A1C015038 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Application of Discovery Learning Learning Model Assisted by Teaching Aids to Improve Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes at SMP Negeri 11 Bengkulu City |
41 | DIARTI UTAMI PUTRI | A1C015039 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | N | Y | Application of Group Investigation Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes on Quadrilateral and Triangular Materials at SMP Negeri 11 Bengkulu City |
42 | AGATE RAMITIA | A1C015040 | 19 | Ags2019 | A | Y | Y | Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Story Problems in Social Arithmetic Material Class VII SMP Negeri 4 Bengkulu City |
43 | LINDA YEKA JULIANI | A1C015042 | 19 | Des2019 | A | Y | N | Application of Inquiry Learning Model with the Help of Teaching Aids to Improve Activities and Learning Outcomes of Class VIIB MTs Negeri 1 Bengkulu City Students |
44 | MUHARIS HAMDI ARLI | A1C012063 | 20 | Ags2020 | A- | Y | N | Analysis of Class VIII SMP/MTs Competency Test Questions of the Ministry of Education and Culture Book 2017 Revised Edition on the Subject of Circles Based on Bloom's Taxonomy |
45 | Maisyah Rahma | A1C013030 | 20 | Ap2020 | A- | Y | N | Analysis of Student Errors in Doing Mathematical Story Problems Material Volume Cubes and Blocks SD Negeri 79 Bengkulu City |
46 | RADIKA SIMBARA | A1C013048 | 20 | Des2020 | C+ | Y | N | Application of Learning Cycle 5E Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Concept Comprehension Ability of Grade VII Students of SMP IT Generation Rabbani Bengkulu City |
47 | RAHMAD KURNIAWAN | A1C013049 | 20 | Des2020 | B- | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Circle Material Problems in Electronic School Books Mathematics SD/MI Class VI Curriculum 2013 Revision 2018 |
48 | DARMA WICAKSONO | A1C013072 | 20 | Des2020 | C+ | Y | N | Diagnosis of Student Errors in Solving Class VII Association Questions at SMP Negeri 17 Bengkulu City |
49 | INDAH PUTRI WULANDARI | A1C013074 | 20 | Des2020 | C+ | Y | N | Analysis of Competency Test Questions Mathematics Book Curriculum 2013 Revised Edition 2017 Class VII Junior High School Quadrangular and Triangular Materials Based on Bloom's Taxonomy |
50 | ALEK SANDRA SAGALA | A1C013079 | 20 | Des2020 | B+ | Y | N | Analysis of Material Competency Test Questions Build Flat-Sided Spaces Mathematics Book Curriculum 2013 Revised Edition 2013 Junior High School/MTs Class VIII Based on Bloom's Taxonomy |
51 | PARWADI | A1C014035 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions of Quadratic Function Material in Junior High School Mathematics Book Class IX Semester II Revised Edition 2017 Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
52 | Sobhita Dwi Putra | A1C014060 | 20 | Ap2020 | A- | Y | N | Analysis of Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability in Solving Description Problems on the Subject of Quadrilaterals in Class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Bengkulu City |
53 | GATOT WIDYO UTOMO | A1C015026 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Mathematical Problems The Subject matter of Number Patterns and Number Rows Class VIII SMP IT MA'HAD RABBANI Bengkulu Tengah |
54 | ANISA DESI LIESTYA | A1C016001 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | The Influence of Discovery Learning Model with SAVI Approach (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual) on the Learning Outcomes of Class VII Students at SMP Negeri 1 Bengkulu City |
55 | UMI SYARIFAH | A1C016002 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | Y | The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach on The Learning Outcomes of Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Bengkulu City |
56 | RIZA RAMADHANTI | A1C016003 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | Application of Group Investigation Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade VII Students of SMPN 1 Bengkulu City |
57 | SISILIA ANDRIANI | A1C016004 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | Application of Contextual Learning Approach to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes grade VII SMP Negeri 1 Bengkulu City |
58 | DHELA MADHAN SARI | A1C016005 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students at SMP Negeri 10 Bengkulu City |
59 | HERI HARYANTO | A1C016008 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | The Effect of Discovery Learing Learning Model on Grade VII Learning Outcomes of SMPN 4 Bengkulu City |
60 | ANISA TAMARA | A1C016009 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | Application of Group Investigation Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Understanding of Mathematical Concepts in Class VIII.6 SMP Negeri 4 Bengkulu City |
61 | FAUZIATUL MUNIROH | A1C016011 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | Y | The Effect of the Think Pair Share Learning Model on Students' Mathematics Problem Solving Ability in Class VIII SMP Negeri 7 Bengkulu City |
62 | FRANSISKA | A1C016012 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | Increasing Understanding of Concepts through the Application of a Think Pair Share Type Cooperative Learning Model to Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 7 Bengkulu City |
63 | GUSTIA PUTRI LESTARI | A1C016013 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | The Influence of Realistic Mathematics Education on the Ability of Mathematical Connections of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 7 Bengkulu City |
64 | ANDRALIN ADEREVI AGUS CHANDRA | A1C016014 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | Application of Group Investigation Type Cooperative Learning Model on Flat Side Room Building Material to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Students of SMP Negeri 7 Bengkulu City |
65 | RIZKY DWI TAMA | A1C016016 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | Application of Group Investigation Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Students in Class VII SMPN 9 Bengkulu City |
66 | PETI KUSMAWATI | A1C016017 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Application of a Scientific Approach to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Grade VII E Students of SMP Negeri 9 Bengkulu City |
67 | ADELINA EFRIYANTI | A1C016018 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Understanding Student Concepts in Quadrilateral and Triangular Materials through the Application of Non Example Learning Models |
68 | LARA GUSTINA | A1C016019 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | Application of Contextual Learning Approach to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade VII D Students of SMPN 9 Bengkulu City |
69 | LUSSIYA SRI RAHAYU | A1C016020 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | Y | The Influence of the DIscovery Learning Learning Model on the ability to Understand Students' Concepts on Material to Build Cube and Beam Spaces at SMPN 17 Bengkulu City |
70 | LISA WAHYULIA | A1C016021 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Differences in Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Students Using Contextual and Expository Approaches Class VII SMP N 06 Bengkulu City |
71 | AHBI MAHDIANING RUM | A1C016022 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | Development of LKPD Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Social Arithmetic Material in Junior High School Class VII |
72 | LEKI PASINDA | A1C016023 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Realistic Mathematics Education untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Materi Aritmatika Sosial di SMP Kelas VII |
73 | DEA YOLANDA | A1C016024 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Development of Student Worksheets Using Problem Based Learning Models on Social Arithmetic Material in Class VII SMP Negeri 18 Bengkulu City |
74 | POPPY SASTI UTAMI | A1C016025 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | Comparison of the Effectiveness of Contextual and Expository Approaches In Terms of Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of SMPN 18 Bengkulu City |
75 | MELIA SARI FITRIANI | A1C016031 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 04 Bengkulu City |
76 | MESTIKA FATWA MEUTIA | A1C016032 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Comparison of Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Students Using the Think Pair Share Learning Model with Expository in Class XI of SMAN 4 Bengkulu City |
77 | DEMELIAH JUNAIDI | A1C016033 | 20 | Des2020 | A | N | Y | The Effect of a Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach Assisted by Teaching Aids on the Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems for Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 14 Bengkulu City |
78 | AGJU JIHAN INDRI FASHALI | A1C016034 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | Application of Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 14 Bengkulu City |
79 | EMSARITIA A BR GINTING | A1C016039 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | Development of LKPD Game-Based Learning Problem Based Model on Class VII Comparison Material of SMPN 13 Bengkulu City |
80 | SARAH DALILAH SAUSAN | A1C016041 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Education Approach on Problem Solving Ability in Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 13 Bengkulu City |
81 | ARIZA YULIKA RANI | A1C016043 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Development of LKPD With a Scientific Approach to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Bengkulu City |
82 | MELAN KRISTINA GIRSANG | A1C016045 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Comparison of Students' Concept Comprehension Ability in Pythagorean Theorem Material using Multimedia Props and Manual Props in Class VIII SMPN 02 Bengkulu City |
83 | FEBRI KRISTIANI | A1C016047 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | Development of LKPD with Discovery Learning Model to Improve Concept Comprehension Ability of Class VIII Students on Pythagorean Theorem Material |
84 | ELISABETH V K AMBARITA | A1C016048 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Application of a Scientific Approach to Improve Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes in The Building Material of Flat-Sided Rooms Class VIII C SMPN 2 Bengkulu City |
85 | FERENC FITRIANI SARTIKA | A1C016049 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | Application of Think Talk Write (TTW) Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Understanding of Mathematical Concepts of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 17 Bengkulu City |
86 | HENI DWI PUTRI | A1C016050 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | Y | Application of Numbered Head Together Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 17 Bengkulu City |
87 | IKA NURMA ANGGRAINI | A1C016052 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Comparison of Students' Mathematics Learning Outcomes Between Tink Pair Share (TPS) Type Cooperative Learning Model and Think Talk Write (TTW) in Class VII SMP Negeri 6 Bengkulu City |
88 | ROSA DEVI OKTAVIA | A1C016054 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | Y | Y | The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on The Learning Outcomes of Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 10 Bengkulu City |
89 | RIZKY DEPITASARI | A1C016055 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | Development of Student Worksheets (LKPD) with Inquiry Learning Model on Flat Side Room Building Material |
90 | NADA OCSALINA | A1C016057 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Development of LKPD with a Realistic Mathematics Education Approach Oriented to Understand the Concept of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 10 Bengkulu City |
91 | JUNIAR FITRIA | A1C016058 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | The Effect of Group Investigation Type Cooperative Learning to Improve Understanding of Mathematical Concepts of Students of SMP Negeri 11 Bengkulu City |
92 | AYU SISKA MONETA | A1C016059 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Mathematical Communication Ability of Class VIII Students of SMPN 11 Bengkulu City |
93 | ENDAH PRATIWI | A1C016060 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Development of Discovery Learning-Based Student Worksheets to Improve Understanding of Mathematical Concepts of Grade VII Students |
94 | RONALIA WATI | A1C016062 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Application of Discovery Learning Model to Improve Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts in Quadrilateral Triangle Material for Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 3 Bengkulu City |
95 | RIRIN ASTRIA | A1C016063 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Application of a Scientific Approach to Improve Mathematics Activities and Learning Outcomes of Grade VII Students at SMP Negeri 3 Bengkulu City |
96 | JUNI MITARI | A1C016064 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Efforts to Improve Student Activities and Learning Outcomes with a Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach for Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 3 Bengkulu City |
97 | RISKA MALINI | A1C016066 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | The Influence of React Strategy on the Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts of Class VIII Students of SMPN 15 Bengkulu City |
98 | YUNIA JUMITA NINGRUM | A1C016067 | 20 | Ags2020 | A | N | Y | Application of a Scientific Approach to Improve Mathematics Activities and Learning Outcomes of Class VIIIA Students at SMP Negeri 15 Bengkulu City |
99 | PUTRI HARDINA | A1C016070 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Application of Group Investigation Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes in Quadrilateral and Triangular Materials at SMP Negeri 8 Bengkulu City |
100 | AINUL FITRI | A1C016071 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Efforts to Improve Student Activities and Learning Outcomes through a Scientific Approach class VII SMP N 15 Bengkulu City |
101 | ICHA ROZALIA | A1C016072 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Development of Student Worksheets with Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Understanding of Mathematical Concepts in Class VIII of SMP Negeri 15 Bengkulu City |
102 | TEDDY KURNIAWAN | A1C016075 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Development of Quantum Learning-Based LKPD to Improve Learning Outcomes of Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 13 Bengkulu City |
103 | ESHINE WELINA PUTRI | A1C016076 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Application of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Activities and Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students at SMP Negeri 05 Bengkulu City |
104 | RAHMONIKE DWISARI SENTOSA | A1C016077 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Class VII Quadrilateral Material of SMP Negeri 5 Bengkulu City |
105 | UMI KHOLIFAH | A1C016078 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Application of Realistic Mathematics Education Approach to Improve Learning Outcomes of Grade VII Students of SMPN 5 Bengkulu City |
106 | PUTRI DEWI SARTIKA | A1C016079 | 20 | Des2020 | A | Y | N | Application of Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Understanding of Mathematical Concepts for Class VIII Students of SMPN 5 Bengkulu City |
107 | ALI MORDANI PURBA | A1C014053 | 21 | Ap2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions of Quadratic Function Material in Junior High School Mathematics Book Class IX Semester II Revised Edition 2017 Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
108 | WIDYA WULANDARI | A1C016006 | 21 | Ap2021 | A | Y | N | Analysis of Mathematics Book Exercise Questions Curriculum 2013 Published by Erlangga Revised 2016 Class VII on Algebraic Material Based on Bloom's Taxonomy |
109 | WIDHA ANGELINA | A1C016026 | 21 | Ap2021 | A | Y | N | Development of LKPD Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach on Quadrilateral Material in Class VII SMPN 18 Bengkulu City |
110 | ANGGO TRI YUSDI KURNIAWAN | A1C016030 | 21 | Ap2021 | A | Y | N | Feasibility Analysis of Junior High School Mathematics Textbooks / MTs Class VIII Curriculum 2013 Issue Platinum Subject Circle Subject Matter |
111 | AGUSTINA SETIAWATI | A1C016035 | 21 | Ap2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Practice Questions Of Relation and Function Material Class VIII Mathematics Book Curriculum 2013 Erlangga Publishers Based on Bloom's Taxonomy Revision |
112 | Diah Sawitri | A1C016037 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Trigonometric Function Limit Competency Test Questions in Mathematics Student Book 3 Published by Grafindo Media Pratama Based on Bloom Revised Taxonomy |
113 | ERNITA SIRINGORINGO | A1C016042 | 21 | Ap2021 | A | Y | N | Analysis of Lines and Angles of Junior High School/MTs Mathematics Book Class VII Curriculum 2013 Revised 2016 Based on Bloom's Taxonomy Revised |
114 | CHANDRA SYAFI'I | A1C016051 | 21 | Ap2021 | A | Y | N | Comparison of Mathematics Learning Outcomes Using Contextual and Expository Approaches in Class VIII of SMP Negeri 6 Bengkulu City |
115 | DEWITA ANGGRAINI | A1C016053 | 21 | Ap2021 | A | Y | N | The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Class VIII of SMP Negeri 10 Bengkulu City |
116 | SUCI INDAH SARI | A1C016065 | 21 | Ap2021 | A | Y | N | Application of Cooperative Learning Model Type (TAI) Team Assisted Individualization to Improve Mathematics Learning Activities and Outcomes of Class VIII Students of SMP Negeri 3 Kota bengkulu |
118 | M. RUDI ERLANDA | A1C017002 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions in Mathematics Books Class XI Semester 2 Derivative and Integral Materials Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
119 | Jesica Angela Fitri | A1C017003 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | N | Y | Analysis of Mathematics Textbooks Class VII Semester II Curriculum 2013 Published by Erlangga Based on a Scientific Approach |
120 | Benny Antari | A1C017005 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Analysis of Mathematics Odd Semester Final Assessment Questions Class XII SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu Academic Year 2020/2021 |
121 | Rati Ismidiah Yustiara | A1C017007 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Analysis of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Grade VII Students of SMPN 4 Kaur on Comparison Material Based on Polya Solving steps |
122 | Rheca Nurahma Angelina | A1C017008 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions in Mathematics Companion Books Published by CV Pustaka Bengawan Class VIII Semester 1 Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
123 | KARINA MARTA | A1C017012 | 21 | Juni2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems in Mathematics Textbooks Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Class VIII Semester 2 of the 2020/2021 Academic YearBased on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
124 | Topan Agung Pinilih Rahmat Illahi | A1C017013 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Electronic School Book (BSE) Mathematics Questions Junior High School / MTs Class IX Curriculum 2013 Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Revised Edition 2018 Based on Bloom Taxonomy Revision |
125 | WANTI YULPIKA | A1C017014 | 21 | Des2021 | A | N | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of LKPD Mathematics Competency Test Questions ClassXI Published by Intan Pariwara on Row and Series Materials based on Bloom Revised Taxonomy |
126 | ABDUR ROUF MAHFUDZ ANWAR | A1C017017 | 21 | Juni2021 | A | Y | Y | Quality and Cognitive Level Analysis of Mathematics Problems Odd Semester Final Assessment Class VIII SMP Negeri 11 Bengkulu City Academic Year 2020/2021 |
127 | DIRA OKTIA MITA | A1C017018 | 21 | Des2021 | A | N | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems In Mathematics Textbooks Class XII Revision 2018 Material Of Concongruence And Revival Based On Bloom's Taxonomy Revision |
128 | Kintan Ayu Septiany | A1C017020 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Material Analysis of Mathematics Textbook Class VII Semester I Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Revised Edition 2016 Based on a Scientific Approach |
129 | LULUK LUTFIYA | A1C017022 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Analysis of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of SMPN 29Bengkulu Utara Students Based on Polya Steps |
130 | HOLILATURROSYIDAH | A1C017025 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Class X Mathematics Textbook Problems 2017 Revised Edition on The Ministry of Education and Culture's Published Function Materials Based on Bloom's Taxonomy |
131 | Fitri Novianti | A1C017027 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Quality and Cognitive Level Analysis of Mathematics Problems Odd End of Semester Assessment (PAS) Class IX SMP N 10 Bengkulu City 2020/2021 |
132 | Nida Azizah | A1C017028 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Quality and Cognitive Level Analysis of Mathematics Problems Odd End of Semester Assessment (PAS) Class IX SMP N 10 Bengkulu City 2020/2021 |
133 | ANDRIANY FITRIZA USSANDI | A1C017029 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Opportunity Material Problems in Class XII Student Mathematics Textbooks 2018 Revised Edition Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
134 | Monica Celine Pratiwi | A1C017030 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Mathematics Textbook Competency Test Questions Published by Erlangga Class VIII Semester 1 Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
135 | Imelda Verina | A1C017031 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Mathematics Textbook Competency Test Questions Published by Erlangga Class VIII Semester 1 Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
136 | Melvi Khairani | A1C017032 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test in Mathematics Enrichment Module Class VIII Semester 1 Published by Putra Nugraha Based on Bloom Taxonomy Revision |
137 | Rezki Ainun Sari | A1C017033 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems in Mathematics Textbooks Class VIIstester 2 Published by Erlangga material Lines and Angles Based on Bloom Revised Taxonomy |
138 | Tri Mardianti Atikah Putri | A1C017034 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions Compulsory Mathematics Book Class XI Published by Intan Pariwara Matrix Material Based on Bloom's Taxonomy Revision |
139 | Mira Yuniarti | A1C017035 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems in Class XI Specialization Mathematics Textbooks Published by Mediatama Material of Conical Slices and Polynomials Based on Bloom's Taxonomy |
140 | NISA OKTAVIANI | A1C017036 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Analysis of Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability of Junior High School Students on SPLDV Practice Questions in Class VIII SMPN 7 Bengkulu City |
141 | Lestari Fathan Asri | A1C017037 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions of Class X Specialization Mathematics Books Published by Erlangga on Exponential and Logarithmic Materials based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
142 | Bagus Dwi Pangestu | A1C017038 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Analysis of Cognitive Level and Quality of Mathematics Problems for Odd Semester Final Assessment of SMP Negeri 10 Bengkulu City |
143 | ANDIKA RAHMANSYAH | A1C017039 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems In Mathematics Textbooks Erlangga Publishers Class IX Material Rank And Root Form Based On Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
144 | Fentiriani Fauzi | A1C017041 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | N | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions in the Class VII Mathematics Enrichment Module Second Semester Published by Putra Nugraha Based on Bloom's Taxonomy |
145 | Sisti Hartanti | A1C017044 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | N | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Questions in the Mathematics Companion Book of Junior High School Class VIII Semester 2 Published by Viva Pakarindo Based on Bloom's Taxonomy Revision |
146 | Dwi Agusantia | A1C017047 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Analysis of Mathematics Textbooks for Junior High School Class VIII Semester II Statistics Material and Opportunities for Publishers Erlangga Curriculum 2013 Based on a Scientific Approach |
147 | Saprida Yani Harahap | A1C017050 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems - LKS Mathematics Questions for Junior High School Class IX Even Semester Published by Viva Pakarindo Based on Bloom's Taxonomy Revision |
148 | Yohana Adventika Hapsari | A1C017052 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions in Mathematics Textbooks for Class X Semester 1 Students 2017 Revised Edition Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Based on Bloom's Taxonomy |
149 | Rahma Nia Juita | A1C017053 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | N | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Trigonometric Problems in High School / MA Mathematics Textbooks Class X Ministry of Education and Culture Publishers Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
150 | Meicindy Jeny Klorina | A1C017054 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Problem Analysis in Mathematics Independent Book Published by Erlangga Junior High School Class IX Transformation Material Based on Bloom's Taxonomy Revision |
151 | RENI RAHMAWATI | A1C017056 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Class VII Mathematics Book Problems of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2017 Revised Edition on Set Materials Based on BloomRevisi Taxonomy |
152 | NENNY NOVITA SARI | A1C017057 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Relation and Function Material Problems in the Class VIII Mathematics Book Curriculum 2013 Revised Edition 2017 Based on Bloom's Taxonomy |
153 | TRI WAHYUNI | A1C017059 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions for Comparative Materials and Social Arithmetic in Class VII Mathematics Textbooks Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Revision 2017 Based on Bloom Revised Taxonomy |
154 | LILIA GINA FEBRILA | A1C017060 | 21 | Juni2021 | A | Y | N | Quality and Cognitive Level Analysis of Odd End of Semester Assessment Questions for Class VII SMP IT Darul Fikri Arga Makmur Academic Year 2020/2021 Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
155 | BELLA SINTHYA | A1C017061 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Junior High School/Mts Mathematics Independent Book Questions Class VIII Curriculum 2013 Revised Edition Based on Bloom's Taxonomy Revised |
156 | ADETIA PERMATASARI | A1C017062 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | Quality and Cognitive Level Analysis on Mathematics Problems Odd Semester Final Assessment Class VII SMP Negeri 10 Bengkulu City Academic Year 2020/2021 |
157 | FATIKHAH NUR SELLA | A1C017063 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems in Class XI Specialization Mathematics Textbooks Published by Erlangga on Circle Equation Material Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
158 | Romadhon Adji Pangestu | A1C017065 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Mathematics Book Problems Curriculum 2013 Revision 2017 Junior High School Class VIII Semester 2 Material Building a Flat Side Room Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Based on Bloom Taxonomy Revision |
159 | Novi Rikawati | A1C017066 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems in Junior High School Mathematics Textbooks Class VIII Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Revision 2017 Material System of Linear Equations Two Variables Based on Bloom Taxonomy Revision |
160 | ADITYA RAHMAWATI | A1C017067 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | Y | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions for Mathematics Enrichment Module for Junior High School Class VIII Even Semester Published by CV Graha Pustaka Based on Bloom Revised Taxonomy |
161 | Venny Aulia Putri | A1C017068 | 21 | Seep2021 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Competency Test Questions in Mathematics Textbooks Class VIII Junior High School / MTs Semester II Published by Erlangga Based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy |
162 | SELLY SELVIA. AH | A1C017071 | 21 | Des2021 | A | Y | N | COGNITIVE LEVEL ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS IN THE 2013 GRADE IX JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL/MTs mathematics independent book published by erlangga based on bloom's revised taxonomy |
163 | NIKEN RATNA WINARNI | A1C014021 | 22 | Juni2022 | A | Y | N | Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Mathematics Problems of Class VII Fractional Material of SMP Negeri 16 Bengkulu City |
164 | DEGA M THABRANI | A1C015043 | 22 | Mart2022 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Mathematics Book Competency Test Questions Ministry of Education and Culture Curriculum 2013 Revised Edition 2018 Class IX Rank Material and Root Forms Based on Bloom Revised Taxonomy |
165 | VANIA ULFA SHABRINA | A1C017016 | 22 | Mart2022 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems in Mathematics Books Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture Class XI Semester 1 Material on Concongruence and Revival Based on Bloom Revised Taxonomy |
166 | RAHMIATI AZIZAH | A1C017026 | 22 | Mart2022 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Problems In Mathematics Textbooks Curriculum 2013 Class XI Revision 2017 Material Transformation Based on Bloom Taxonomy Revision |
167 | FIKA SYAHTARINA | A1C017046 | 22 | Mart2022 | A | Y | N | Quality and Cognitive Level Analysis Based on Bloom's Taxonomy Revision on the Odd Semester Final Assessment Questions for Mathematics Class VII SMP Negeri 13 Bengkulu City for the 2020/2021 Academic Year |
168 | SELVI MARYANI | A1C017048 | 22 | Mart2022 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Class X Mathematics Book Problems Published by Erlangga 2016 On Rational And Irrational Materials One Variable Based On Bloom Taxonomy RevisionBased On Bloom Taxonomy Revision |
168 | ATHIYYAH NUR HERLITA | A1C017069 | 22 | Mart2022 | A | Y | N | Cognitive Level Analysis of Class X Mathematics Book Problems Published by Erlangga 2016 On Rational And Irrational Materials One Variable Based On Bloom Taxonomy RevisionBased On Bloom Taxonomy Revision |
170 | NORA PIKA ANGGRAINI | A1C018019 | 22 | Juni2022 | A | N | Y | Analysis of Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability in Solving AKM Class VIII Based Problems at SMP Negeri 1 Bengkulu City |